Introduce your child to the exciting world of shapes and colors with our Wooden Shape Sorter Toy. This carefully crafted educational toy is perfect for toddlers and young children, providing a fun and interactive way to learn about various shapes and improve their motor skills.
Colorful and Attractive Design: The wooden shape sorter features vibrant colors and eye-catching designs to capture a child’s attention and make learning engaging and enjoyable.
Variety of Shapes: The set includes wooden blocks in different shapes such as circles, squares, triangles, and more. Each block corresponds to a specific shape on the sorting box, encouraging children to match and fit the blocks into the correct holes.
Sturdy Wooden Construction: Crafted from high-quality, child-safe wood, this shape sorter is durable and built to withstand enthusiastic play while ensuring safety for your little one.
Educational and Developmental Benefits: Sorting the blocks by shape helps children recognize and differentiate between shapes, promoting cognitive development. The activity also improves hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills as they grasp, maneuver, and place the blocks into the matching holes.
Easy-to-Handle Blocks: The wooden blocks are the perfect size for little hands to grip and maneuver, making it easy for toddlers to handle and play with independently.
Ние създаваме въображение с внимание. Като специализиран производител на дървени играчки и търговец на едро, ние се гордеем с създаването на очарователни играчки, които вдъхновяват играта и ученето на децата по целия свят. С ангажимент за качество и устойчивост, нашите играчки са внимателно проектирани да зарадват младите сърца и да разпалят тяхната креативност. Присъединете се към нас в това пътешествие на радост и открития с нашите завладяващи дървени играчки.
Електронна поща:
Адрес: блок 502, етаж 5, сграда B, # 1 работилница, Център за поддръжка на градски части за автомобилната индустрия (фаза iv), град Гуанкоу, област Джимей, Ксиамен, Фуджиан, Китай