Key Features:
Premium Wood Construction: Our building blocks are made from sustainably sourced wood, ensuring durability, safety, and an eco-friendly play experience.
Versatile Learning: Each block is carefully crafted to engage children in various ways, promoting shape recognition, color identification, and spatial awareness while encouraging imaginative play.
Safe and Child-Friendly: The edges of each wooden block are smooth and gentle to the touch, ensuring a safe and enjoyable playtime for your little one.
Countless Possibilities: With a variety of shapes and sizes, these building blocks offer endless possibilities for creating structures, teaching numbers, and exploring patterns.
Educational Booklet Included: Enhance learning with an educational booklet that provides activity ideas to fuel your child’s imagination and facilitate educational growth through play.
Bidh sinn a’ cruthachadh mac-meanmna le cùram. Mar neach-dèanamh dèideagan fiodha sònraichte agus mòr-reic, tha sinn moiteil a bhith a’ cruthachadh dèideagan inntinneach a bhrosnaicheas cluich is ionnsachadh na cloinne air feadh an t-saoghail. Le dealas a thaobh càileachd is seasmhachd, tha na dèideagan againn air an dealbhadh gu smaoineachail gus cridheachan òga a thoileachadh agus an cruthachalachd a lasadh. Thig còmhla rinn air an turas aoibhneis is lorg seo leis na dèideagan fiodha tarraingeach againn.
Seòladh: Aonad 502, làr 5, Togalach B, bùth-obrach # 1, Ionad Taic Pàirtean Cathair Gnìomhachas Auto (ìre iv), Baile Guankou, Sgìre Jimei, Xiamen, Fujian, Sìona