Key Features:
Interactive Learning: This educational puzzle features brightly colored wooden pieces, each engraved with a letter or number, encouraging children to recognize, match, and learn in an interactive way.
Durability and Safety: Made from high-quality, child-safe materials, these wooden pieces are designed to withstand enthusiastic play while ensuring the safety of your little ones.
Enhanced Motor Skills: Assembling the puzzle pieces improves hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, preparing children for writing and other essential tasks.
Early Cognitive Development: By engaging with letters and numbers at an early age, children develop a foundation for language, mathematics, and problem-solving skills, setting them on a path to academic success.
Versatile Learning Tool: This educational puzzle is not only perfect for home learning but also an ideal addition to classrooms, daycare centers, and playgroups, aiding educators in making learning enjoyable and effective.
Bidh sinn a’ cruthachadh mac-meanmna le cùram. Mar neach-dèanamh dèideagan fiodha sònraichte agus mòr-reic, tha sinn moiteil a bhith a’ cruthachadh dèideagan inntinneach a bhrosnaicheas cluich is ionnsachadh na cloinne air feadh an t-saoghail. Le dealas a thaobh càileachd is seasmhachd, tha na dèideagan againn air an dealbhadh gu smaoineachail gus cridheachan òga a thoileachadh agus an cruthachalachd a lasadh. Thig còmhla rinn air an turas aoibhneis is lorg seo leis na dèideagan fiodha tarraingeach againn.
Seòladh: Aonad 502, làr 5, Togalach B, bùth-obrach # 1, Ionad Taic Pàirtean Cathair Gnìomhachas Auto (ìre iv), Baile Guankou, Sgìre Jimei, Xiamen, Fujian, Sìona