Introduce your little one to the joy of playtime with our Wooden Pull-Along Toy – Friendly Elephant. This delightful toy, crafted from child-safe wood, offers endless hours of interactive fun as your child takes their new elephant friend for a walk around the house.
Charming Design: The pull-along toy features a friendly elephant design, painted in vibrant, non-toxic colors that capture a child’s attention and imagination.
Smooth Rolling Wheels: The wooden base is mounted on sturdy, smooth-rolling wheels, allowing for easy gliding as your child pulls the toy along.
Secure Pull-Along String: The attached string is designed for little hands to grip comfortably. It’s just the right length for your child to pull the elephant around with ease.
Safe and Durable: Crafted from high-quality, child-safe wood and non-toxic paint, this pull-along toy is durable and built to withstand the rigors of playtime.
Motor Skills Development: Pulling the toy helps develop your child’s balance, coordination, and motor skills, making it an ideal toy for early childhood development.
Bidh sinn a’ cruthachadh mac-meanmna le cùram. Mar neach-dèanamh dèideagan fiodha sònraichte agus mòr-reic, tha sinn moiteil a bhith a’ cruthachadh dèideagan inntinneach a bhrosnaicheas cluich is ionnsachadh na cloinne air feadh an t-saoghail. Le dealas a thaobh càileachd is seasmhachd, tha na dèideagan againn air an dealbhadh gu smaoineachail gus cridheachan òga a thoileachadh agus an cruthachalachd a lasadh. Thig còmhla rinn air an turas aoibhneis is lorg seo leis na dèideagan fiodha tarraingeach againn.
Seòladh: Aonad 502, làr 5, Togalach B, bùth-obrach # 1, Ionad Taic Pàirtean Cathair Gnìomhachas Auto (ìre iv), Baile Guankou, Sgìre Jimei, Xiamen, Fujian, Sìona