Step into the world of numbers and calculations with our Wooden Abacus – an age-old, yet timeless, learning tool that continues to enrich the mathematical journey of children. Crafted from high-quality, child-safe wood, this abacus is designed to make learning counting, addition, subtraction, and more, an enjoyable and interactive experience.
Durable Wooden Construction: The abacus is constructed from sturdy, smooth wood, ensuring durability and safe play for young learners.
Colorful Beads for Easy Counting: The abacus features rows of colorful wooden beads in alternating hues, aiding in easy counting and enhancing visual appeal.
Counting and Math Operations: The wooden abacus facilitates learning basic math operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It’s a valuable tool for both early learners and those progressing into more complex mathematical concepts.
Develops Mathematical Skills: The abacus helps children develop strong foundational skills in arithmetic, spatial awareness, and logical thinking as they move beads and manipulate numbers.
Educational and Time-Tested: A classic educational tool, the wooden abacus has stood the test of time, providing generations of children with a hands-on approach to learning mathematics.
Em bi baldarî xeyalê çêdikin. Wek çêker û firoşkarê pêlîstokên darîn ên dilsoz, em serbilind in ku pêlîstokên efsûnî diafirînin ku îlhamê didin lîstik û fêrbûna zarokan li çaraliyê cîhanê. Bi pabendbûna bi kalîte û domdariyê, pêlîstokên me bi ramanî hatine sêwirandin da ku dilên ciwan xweş bikin û afirîneriya wan geş bikin. Bi pêlîstokên meyên dar ên balkêş re beşdarî vê rêwîtiya şahî û keşfê bibin.
Navnîşan: Yekîneya 502, qata 5, Avahiya B, atolyeya # 1, Navenda Piştgiriya Parçeyên Bajarê Pîşesaziya Otomotîk (qonaxa iv), Bajarê Guankou, Navçeya Jimei, Xiamen, Fujian, Chinaîn