Rev up the fun with our Wooden Car Ramp Toy, a delightful and colorful toy designed to captivate young minds. Crafted from high-quality, child-safe wood, this toy introduces children to the world of motion, gravity, and cause-and-effect play.
Key Features:
Wooden Ramp Structure: The toy comprises a sturdy wooden ramp structure with multiple tracks and levels. It allows children to place toy cars at the top and watch them zoom down the ramps.
Colorful Toy Cars: The set includes a collection of vibrant wooden toy cars that are perfectly sized for little hands. These cars are designed for easy maneuvering down the ramps, enhancing coordination and motor skills.
Interactive Play: Children can experiment with different cars and create races down the ramp, learning about speed, distance, and the effects of different slopes.
Educational Benefits: The Wooden Car Ramp Toy encourages fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, understanding of gravity, and basic concepts of physics as children observe the movement of the cars.
Em bi baldarî xeyalê çêdikin. Wek çêker û firoşkarê pêlîstokên darîn ên dilsoz, em serbilind in ku pêlîstokên efsûnî diafirînin ku îlhamê didin lîstik û fêrbûna zarokan li çaraliyê cîhanê. Bi pabendbûna bi kalîte û domdariyê, pêlîstokên me bi ramanî hatine sêwirandin da ku dilên ciwan xweş bikin û afirîneriya wan geş bikin. Bi pêlîstokên meyên dar ên balkêş re beşdarî vê rêwîtiya şahî û keşfê bibin.
Navnîşan: Yekîneya 502, qata 5, Avahiya B, atolyeya # 1, Navenda Piştgiriya Parçeyên Bajarê Pîşesaziya Otomotîk (qonaxa iv), Bajarê Guankou, Navçeya Jimei, Xiamen, Fujian, Chinaîn