Гэр » Бүтээгдэхүүн » Montessori Pegboard wooden toy
The Montessori Pegboard wooden toy is typically suitable for children aged 18 months and older. At this age, children are beginning to develop their fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and cognitive abilities, making them ready to engage with more complex toys like the Montessori Pegboard.
Here’s why the Montessori Pegboard is suitable for this age range:
Fine Motor Skills Development: Children around 18 months old are refining their ability to grasp and manipulate objects with their fingers. The pegs of the Montessori Pegboard are designed to be easy for little hands to grasp and insert into the pegboard holes, allowing children to practice their fine motor skills.
Hand-Eye Coordination: As children place the pegs into the pegboard holes, they are strengthening their hand-eye coordination. This activity requires precise movements and visual coordination as children align the pegs with the holes and insert them accurately.
Cognitive Development: The Montessori Pegboard offers opportunities for cognitive development through pattern recognition, spatial awareness, and problem-solving. Children can experiment with arranging the pegs in different patterns and designs, fostering creativity and critical thinking skills.
Safe and Child-Friendly: The Montessori Pegboard is designed with safety in mind, with smooth edges and non-toxic finishes. The pegs are sized appropriately for young children to handle safely, and the pegboard itself is sturdy and stable for secure play.
Overall, the Montessori Pegboard wooden toy provides a stimulating and enriching play experience that supports children’s development in various areas. It encourages exploration, creativity, and problem-solving while promoting fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Therefore, it is an ideal toy for children aged 18 months and older who are eager to learn and explore their environment.
Бид төсөөллийг маш болгоомжтойгоор бүтээдэг. Модон тоглоом үйлдвэрлэгч, бөөний худалдааны хувьд бид дэлхий даяар хүүхдүүдийн тоглох, сурахад урам зориг өгөх сэтгэл татам тоглоом бүтээж байгаадаа бахархдаг. Чанартай, тогтвортой байдлыг эрхэмлэдэг бидний тоглоомууд нь залуу хүмүүсийн зүрх сэтгэлийг баясгаж, бүтээлч сэтгэлгээг нь бадраах зорилготойгоор бүтээгдсэн. Бидний сэтгэл татам модон тоглоомоор баяр баясгалан, нээлтийн аялалд бидэнтэй нэгдээрэй.
Хаяг: БНХАУ-ын Фужянь, Шиамэнь, Жимэй дүүрэг, Гуанкоу хотхон, Авто үйлдвэрийн Хотын эд ангиудыг дэмжих төв (IV шат), В корпус, 5 давхар, 502-р байр, №1 цех.