Introduce your child to the fascinating world of learning through play with our Wooden Animal-themed Kids Puzzle Set. Crafted from child-safe wood, this set of puzzles is designed to ignite curiosity, boost creativity, and promote cognitive development in young minds.
Educational and Entertaining: Each wooden puzzle piece features colorful, animal-themed illustrations, stimulating your child’s imagination and enhancing their problem-solving skills as they piece together each puzzle.
Durable and Child-Safe: Crafted from high-quality, natural wood, these puzzles are durable and built to withstand enthusiastic play. The child-safe materials ensure worry-free playtime.
Various Animal Shapes: The set includes a variety of animal-shaped puzzles, allowing children to learn about different animals while enjoying a challenging and engaging activity.
Easy to Handle: The puzzle pieces are sized perfectly for little hands to grasp, making it easy for young children to manipulate and place the pieces in the correct positions.
Gift-Worthy Packaging: Presented in an attractive, gift-worthy box, this Wooden Animal-themed Kids Puzzle Set is ideal for gifting to children on birthdays, holidays, or special occasions.
Aħna l-immaġinazzjoni tas-sengħa b'attenzjoni. Bħala manifattur u bejjiegħ bl-ingrossa dedikat tal-ġugarelli tal-injam, aħna kburin li noħolqu ġugarelli enchanting li jispiraw il-logħob u t-tagħlim fit-tfal madwar id-dinja. B'impenn għall-kwalità u s-sostenibbiltà, il-ġugarelli tagħna huma ddisinjati b'mod maħsub biex jieħdu gost lill-qlub żgħażagħ u jqabbdu l-kreattività tagħhom. Ingħaqad magħna f'dan il-vjaġġ ta' ferħ u skoperta bil-ġugarelli tal-injam li jgħajtu.
Indirizz: Unità 502, sular 5, Bini B, workshop # 1, Ċentru ta 'Appoġġ għall-Partijiet tal-Belt tal-Industrija tal-Karozzi (fażi iv), Guankou Town, Distrett ta' Jimei, Xiamen, Fujian, iċ-Ċina