Experience the fascinating world of motion and engineering with our Wooden Marble Run. This captivating and educational toy is meticulously crafted to provide hours of imaginative play while stimulating a child’s creativity and understanding of cause and effect.
Wooden Building Blocks: The set comprises a variety of wooden building blocks, ramps, tracks, tunnels, and chutes, allowing children to design and construct their marble run masterpieces.
Marbles for Motion: Colorful marbles are included, adding an exciting element of movement to the wooden structure. As marbles travel down the tracks and obstacles, children learn about gravity, momentum, and speed.
Customizable Tracks: The wooden pieces are designed with precision, enabling easy assembly and customization. Children can experiment with different configurations to create elaborate tracks for the marbles.
Educational and Interactive: The Wooden Marble Run is an excellent educational tool, promoting critical thinking, problem-solving, spatial reasoning, and an understanding of basic physics principles.
Sturdy and Safe: Crafted from high-quality, child-safe wood, the set is built to last and withstand the rigors of enthusiastic play, ensuring durability and safety.
Aħna l-immaġinazzjoni tas-sengħa b'attenzjoni. Bħala manifattur u bejjiegħ bl-ingrossa dedikat tal-ġugarelli tal-injam, aħna kburin li noħolqu ġugarelli enchanting li jispiraw il-logħob u t-tagħlim fit-tfal madwar id-dinja. B'impenn għall-kwalità u s-sostenibbiltà, il-ġugarelli tagħna huma ddisinjati b'mod maħsub biex jieħdu gost lill-qlub żgħażagħ u jqabbdu l-kreattività tagħhom. Ingħaqad magħna f'dan il-vjaġġ ta' ferħ u skoperta bil-ġugarelli tal-injam li jgħajtu.
Indirizz: Unità 502, sular 5, Bini B, workshop # 1, Ċentru ta 'Appoġġ għall-Partijiet tal-Belt tal-Industrija tal-Karozzi (fażi iv), Guankou Town, Distrett ta' Jimei, Xiamen, Fujian, iċ-Ċina