Step into the world of numbers and calculations with our Wooden Abacus – an age-old, yet timeless, learning tool that continues to enrich the mathematical journey of children. Crafted from high-quality, child-safe wood, this abacus is designed to make learning counting, addition, subtraction, and more, an enjoyable and interactive experience.
Durable Wooden Construction: The abacus is constructed from sturdy, smooth wood, ensuring durability and safe play for young learners.
Colorful Beads for Easy Counting: The abacus features rows of colorful wooden beads in alternating hues, aiding in easy counting and enhancing visual appeal.
Counting and Math Operations: The wooden abacus facilitates learning basic math operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It’s a valuable tool for both early learners and those progressing into more complex mathematical concepts.
Develops Mathematical Skills: The abacus helps children develop strong foundational skills in arithmetic, spatial awareness, and logical thinking as they move beads and manipulate numbers.
Educational and Time-Tested: A classic educational tool, the wooden abacus has stood the test of time, providing generations of children with a hands-on approach to learning mathematics.
Isu tinogadzira fungidziro nekungwarira. Semugadziri akazvitsaurira wematanda uye mutengesi wematoyi, tinodada nekugadzira enchanting matoyi anokurudzira kutamba nekudzidza muvana pasi rese. Nekuzvipira kumhando uye kusimba, matoyi edu akagadzirwa zvine mufungo kufadza moyo yevadiki uye kubatidza hunyanzvi hwavo. Joinha isu parwendo urwu rwemufaro uye kuwanikwa nematoyi edu emapuranga anoyevedza.
Kero: Chikamu 502, pasi 5, Chivakwa B, # 1 musangano, Auto Indasitiri Guta Zvikamu Zvitsigiro Center (chikamu iv), Guankou Town, Jimei District, Xiamen, Fujian, China