Immerse your child in a world of endless exploration and discovery with our Wooden Activity Cube – an all-in-one educational play center designed to engage and enrich young minds. Crafted from high-quality, child-safe wood, this activity cube offers a variety of stimulating activities to encourage motor skills, shape recognition, color awareness, and more.
Multi-Activity Design: The Wooden Activity Cube features multiple sides, each with different engaging activities such as bead mazes, shape sorters, turning gears, sliders, and more. It’s like having multiple toys in one, providing hours of interactive play.
Vibrant and Colorful: The cube is adorned with vibrant, non-toxic colors to capture a child’s attention and make learning exciting and enjoyable.
Enhances Fine Motor Skills: The various activities on the cube promote hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and fine motor skills as children manipulate the beads, knobs, gears, and other interactive elements.
Educational and Versatile: The activities encourage problem-solving, shape and color recognition, counting, and sensory exploration, fostering cognitive development in a playful setting.
Sturdy and Safe: Crafted from durable wood and finished with child-safe paint, this activity cube is built to withstand rigorous play and ensure the safety of your child.
Si taxaddar leh ayaannu u farsamaynnaa male-awaalka. Haddaanu nahay soo-saare alwaax ah oo u go'ay alaab-ciyaareedka iyo jumlayda, waxaanu ku faanaa inaanu abuurno alaab-ciyaareed soo jiidasho leh oo dhiirigeliya ciyaarta iyo barashada carruurta adduunka oo dhan. Iyada oo ay ka go'an tahay tayada iyo joogteynta, alaabtayada ay ku ciyaaraan waxaa si feker leh loogu talagalay in lagu farxo quluubta da'da yar oo ay huriyaan hal abuurkooda. Nagu soo biir safarkan farxadda iyo daahfurka leh alaabtayada alwaaxda ee soo jiidashada leh.
Cinwaanka: Cutubka 502, dabaqa 5, Dhismaha B, # 1 aqoon isweydaarsi, Xarunta Taageerada Qaybaha Warshadaha ee Magaalada (wajiga iv), Magaalada Guankou, Degmada Jimei, Xiamen, Fujian, Shiinaha