Encourage your little one to take their first steps with our Wooden Push-Along Toy – Colorful Turtle. Crafted from child-safe wood, this delightful toy features a friendly turtle design and offers a playful and interactive way for your child to enhance their walking and coordination skills.
Adorable Turtle Design: The push-along toy is shaped like a charming turtle, painted in vivid, child-friendly colors to captivate your child’s attention and foster imaginative play.
Smooth-Rolling Wheels: The wooden base is equipped with smooth-rolling wheels, ensuring easy gliding and encouraging your child to move and explore their surroundings.
Sturdy Push Handle: The toy has a sturdy wooden handle that’s just the right height for your child to comfortably hold and push as they walk and play.
Safe and Durable: Crafted from high-quality, child-safe wood and finished with non-toxic paint, this push-along toy is designed for durability, safety, and lasting enjoyment.
Motor Skills Development: Pushing the toy helps develop your child’s balance, coordination, and gross motor skills, making it an ideal toy for early childhood development.
Si taxaddar leh ayaannu u farsamaynnaa male-awaalka. Haddaanu nahay soo-saare alwaax ah oo u go'ay alaab-ciyaareedka iyo jumlayda, waxaanu ku faanaa inaanu abuurno alaab-ciyaareed soo jiidasho leh oo dhiirigeliya ciyaarta iyo barashada carruurta adduunka oo dhan. Iyada oo ay ka go'an tahay tayada iyo joogteynta, alaabtayada ay ku ciyaaraan waxaa si feker leh loogu talagalay in lagu farxo quluubta da'da yar oo ay huriyaan hal abuurkooda. Nagu soo biir safarkan farxadda iyo daahfurka leh alaabtayada alwaaxda ee soo jiidashada leh.
Cinwaanka: Cutubka 502, dabaqa 5, Dhismaha B, # 1 aqoon isweydaarsi, Xarunta Taageerada Qaybaha Warshadaha ee Magaalada (wajiga iv), Magaalada Guankou, Degmada Jimei, Xiamen, Fujian, Shiinaha