Dive into the captivating world of fishing with our Wooden Magnetic Fishing Game. This delightful and educational toy is designed to provide hours of entertainment while enhancing children’s motor skills and promoting learning through play.
Karakteristikat kryesore:
Colorful and Attractive Design: The wooden fishing game features vividly colored wooden fish with magnetic ends. The bright hues capture a child’s attention and make the fishing experience exciting and enjoyable.
Magnetic Fishing Rod: The set includes a magnetic fishing rod with a magnetic “hook” at the end. Children use the fishing rod to “catch” the wooden fish, promoting hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.
Assorted Wooden Fish: The wooden fish come in various shapes and colors, adding an element of surprise and enhancing color recognition and sorting skills as children identify and sort the fish.
Educational Play: The Wooden Magnetic Fishing Game encourages imaginative and pretend play, enhancing creativity and cognitive skills as children create their fishing stories and adventures.
Safe and Durable: Crafted from high-quality, child-safe wood and non-toxic paint, this magnetic fishing game ensures a safe and enjoyable play experience for young anglers.
Ne krijojmë imagjinatën me kujdes. Si prodhues dhe shitës me shumicë lodrash prej druri, ne krenohemi që krijojmë lodra magjepsëse që frymëzojnë lojën dhe mësimin tek fëmijët në mbarë botën. Me një përkushtim ndaj cilësisë dhe qëndrueshmërisë, lodrat tona janë krijuar me kujdes për të kënaqur zemrat e të rinjve dhe për të ndezur kreativitetin e tyre. Bashkohuni me ne në këtë udhëtim gëzimi dhe zbulimi me lodrat tona magjepsëse prej druri.
Adresa: Njësia 502, kati 5, Ndërtesa B, punëtori # 1, Qendra Mbështetëse e Pjesëve të Qytetit të Industrisë së Automjeteve (faza IV), Qyteti Guankou, Distrikti Jimei, Xiamen, Fujian, Kinë