Introduce your child to the exciting world of shapes, colors, and creativity with our Wooden Sorting and Stacking Blocks Set. This carefully crafted toy is perfect for toddlers and young children, providing a fun and interactive way to learn about various shapes while enhancing their motor skills.
Diverse Shapes and Colors: The set includes wooden blocks in a variety of shapes, including squares, rectangles, circles, triangles, and more. Each block is adorned with vibrant colors, capturing a child’s attention and encouraging play.
Sorting and Stacking Activities: Toddlers can sort the blocks by shape or color, enhancing their cognitive abilities and shape recognition. Additionally, they can stack the blocks to build towers, promoting hand-eye coordination and balance.
Safe and Durable: Crafted from high-quality, child-safe wood and finished with non-toxic paint, these blocks are sturdy and built to withstand enthusiastic play while ensuring the safety of your little one.
Educational Benefits: The Wooden Sorting and Stacking Blocks encourage creativity, problem-solving, and fine motor skills as children experiment with different ways to sort and stack the blocks.
Easy-to-Handle Blocks: The wooden blocks are the perfect size for little hands to grasp and maneuver, making it easy for toddlers to explore and play independently.
Пажљиво развијамо машту. Као посвећен произвођач дрвених играчака и велетрговац, поносни смо што стварамо очаравајуће играчке које инспиришу игру и учење код деце широм света. Са посвећеношћу квалитету и одрживости, наше играчке су промишљено дизајниране да одушевљавају млада срца и распламсавају њихову креативност. Придружите нам се на овом путовању радости и открића са нашим задивљујућим дрвеним играчкама.
Адреса: Јединица 502, спрат 5, зграда Б, радионица # 1, центар за подршку градским деловима аутомобилске индустрије (фаза ив), град Гуанкоу, округ Јимеи, Сјамен, Фуђијан, Кина