Introduce your child to the exciting world of shapes and colors with our Wooden Shape Sorter Toy. This carefully crafted educational toy is perfect for toddlers and young children, providing a fun and interactive way to learn about various shapes and improve their motor skills.
Colorful and Attractive Design: The wooden shape sorter features vibrant colors and eye-catching designs to capture a child’s attention and make learning engaging and enjoyable.
Variety of Shapes: The set includes wooden blocks in different shapes such as circles, squares, triangles, and more. Each block corresponds to a specific shape on the sorting box, encouraging children to match and fit the blocks into the correct holes.
Sturdy Wooden Construction: Crafted from high-quality, child-safe wood, this shape sorter is durable and built to withstand enthusiastic play while ensuring safety for your little one.
Educational and Developmental Benefits: Sorting the blocks by shape helps children recognize and differentiate between shapes, promoting cognitive development. The activity also improves hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills as they grasp, maneuver, and place the blocks into the matching holes.
Easy-to-Handle Blocks: The wooden blocks are the perfect size for little hands to grip and maneuver, making it easy for toddlers to handle and play with independently.
Irudimena kontu handiz lantzen dugu. Egurrezko jostailuen fabrikatzaile eta handizkako dedikazio gisa, harro gaude mundu osoko haurren jolasa eta ikaskuntza bultzatzen duten jostailu liluragarriak sortzeaz. Kalitatearen eta iraunkortasunaren aldeko apustuarekin, gure jostailuak ongi diseinatuta daude bihotz gazteak gozatzeko eta haien sormena pizteko. Etorri gurekin alaitasun eta aurkikuntza bidaia honetan gure egurrezko jostailu liluragarriekin.
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Helbidea: 502 unitatea, 5. solairua, B eraikina, # 1 tailerra, Auto Industry City Piezen Laguntza Zentroa (iv. fasea), Guankou Town, Jimei Barrutia, Xiamen, Fujian, Txina